02|11|2020 | Feliu Brand
In Finques Feliu we have three values: confidence, future and be positive. All of them guide us through the difficulties and avoid that…
26|10|2020 | Advices for you
Today we welcome Domus Serveis a firm that will enrich our blog thanks to its experience in: air conditioning systems, air purification,…
19|10|2020 | Feliu Brand
European Week for Safety and Health at Work is an opportunity to see where we are and look to the future. Is it important to avoid…
12|10|2020 | Feliu Brand
Feliu not only helps you to sell or rent offices: we care about your health. There are nearly 6,000 described diseases. In the real estate…
05|10|2020 | Advices for you
Nowadays we hear a lot of information in the media about occupation, break-ins and trespassing. But beyond these serious situations, there…
28|09|2020 | Feliu Brand
1. Do you want to know immediately what we do for you?  Click here or contact us.   2. What does it mean to trust in Finques Feliu?  At…
21|09|2020 | Advices for you
In the history of humankind the gardens have meant power the mythical "pendants" of Babylon or Versailles (8sqkm2) are examples of this but…
14|09|2020 | Advices for you
We explain you the essentials about garage and parking space. Here you can contact us so that our Property Administrators and Lawyers…
07|09|2020 | Advices for you
We will guide you from the house you are moving out of to the celebration in your new home. Before the move 1. How far in advance must I…
31|08|2020 | Advices for you
According to Inmodiario in 2020 in Spain, 160,000 homes were purchased that will need reforms to improve comfort and energy efficiency. We…
24|08|2020 | Advices for you
Today August the 24th comes into force the Ministerial Order ICT/155/2020, approved on February the 7th. Thank to it: hot and cold water…
17|08|2020 | Feliu Brand
It seems magic when water begin to flow. However, is technology that always must be watched out to achieve perfect purification. It is…