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10/31/2020: deadline to adapt television to 5G tecnology.
| Advices for you
COVID-19 has delayed the implementation of technology however we are ready to help you. Royal Decree 707/2020 regulates the "granting of…
This 2020 opt for proximity tourism
| Advices for you
In 2019, 1,4 billion tourists travelled around the world compared to 1,1 bilion in 2015. With COVID-19 active - and even after the vaccine…
Are you an student seeking for a rented home? We can help you!
| Real Estate
COVID-19's resurgence makes the university calendar unpredictable. In any case, you'll be grateful that in the midst of the pandemic we…
10 Answered questions on Technical Building Inspection
| Real Estate
In this article we will answer ten frequently asked questions about the Technical Building Inspection. Part one: the process of the '…
We urge you to delay celebrations
| Feliu Brand
Taking into account the high proportion of COVID-19 cases linked to parties, this is a text for the future. Now, with the virus active and…
Document briefing: Criteria for reopining swimmingpools in Catalunya
| Advices for you
Installing portable pools on terraces or building covers sinks these structures. The Association of Technical Architects, Quantity…
26/2020 Law decree on extraordinary mesuares on health
| Real Estate
The state of alarm ended on June 21. On 24 June, the Decree Law 26/2020 on extraordinary measures in health and administrative matters of…
How to play piano without disturb your neighbours?
| Advices for you
Yesterday it was 21st of June European Music Day. Therefore today it is especially appropriate to write about how to play music at home…
Conflicts due to bad tree mantaince
| Advices for you
Do you have a private garden? Take care of it relaxes and occupies your mind. Today, we'll deal with the consequences of a bad trees…
Thermal cameras use and COVID-19
| Advices for you
There are different thermal cameras in the market that due to the circumstances we are living with the pandemic are being used for the…
Finques Feliu client attention protocol
| Feliu Brand
At Feliu we have been preparing the de-escalation for days after the peak of the health crisis caused by COVID-19. Our activity has to be…
¿How and with what attitude can I do excercise at home?
| Advices for you
Today, the 'de-escalation' has no fixed end. However, the protocol for swimming pools will be used one third of capacity, will be mandatory…
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