11|01|2021 | Advices for you
The daily rush and lack of awareness leads some people to throw objects such as: wet intimate hygiene wipes, make-up removal discs and even…
04|01|2021 | Advices for you
Imagine some situations: in a few hours the first visit is coming!, you prepared a romantic dinner, you want to avoid pests or you can not…
28|12|2020 | Feliu Brand
This year full of restrictions is about to finish. By reading this post you'll be able to "travel". We are a real estate agency with eighty…
21|12|2020 | Feliu Brand
Now more than ever, in a complicated a changing context, in Finques Feliu we want to remain faithful to our values and we are in solidarity…
14|12|2020 | Real Estate
Occupation, usurpation and unlawful intrusion at home are usual topics in Spain. We have already talked about what is vandalism and what it…
07|12|2020 | Feliu Brand
Thanks to José Gaspar from TriarqStudio we have this article in our blog. Since its origin, Humankind wants to be protected from the…
02|12|2020 | Feliu Brand
I remember few calls from owners who, at the last April beginning, wanted to know our opinion on the evolution of the rental market, and…
30|11|2020 | Advices for you
Domus Serveis in October establishes the link between energy efficiency and ventilation. Recently the biochemist from the University of…
26|11|2020 | Feliu Brand
Now our headquarters in Sant Cugat are more luminous. We'll attend in 12, Pont de Can Vernet Street. You can contact us by phone or e-mail…
23|11|2020 | Real Estate
The March confinement highlighted the need for ventilation and the increase of life quality that the fact of having a terrace implies.…
16|11|2020 | Advices for you
1. Tips to prevent poisonings at home From October to March we use heatings and ovens even more. These machines can intoxicate you with…
09|11|2020 | Advices for you
This text can interest you whether you are a: landlord, a tenant or a Real Estate agent. Loneliness is bad: it is a beautiful challenge of…