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Community chest jams due to flushing
| Advices for you
The daily rush and lack of awareness leads some people to throw objects such as: wet intimate hygiene wipes, make-up removal discs and even…
How to clean different spaces properly?
| Advices for you
Imagine some situations: in a few hours the first visit is coming!, you prepared a romantic dinner, you want to avoid pests or you can not…
The homonymus marvelous world
| Feliu Brand
This year full of restrictions is about to finish. By reading this post you'll be able to "travel". We are a real estate agency with eighty…
In Finques Feliu we want to wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
| Feliu Brand
Now more than ever, in a complicated a changing context, in Finques Feliu we want to remain faithful to our values and we are in solidarity…
Find out the diference between: usurpation, ocupation and unlawful intrusion at home?
| Real Estate
Occupation, usurpation and unlawful intrusion at home are usual topics in Spain. We have already talked about what is vandalism and what it…
How can we achieve to adapt a building to 'Passivhaus' technology?
| Feliu Brand
Thanks to José Gaspar from TriarqStudio we have this article in our blog. Since its origin, Humankind wants to be protected from the…
How has confinement afected Barcelona rental market?
| Feliu Brand
I remember few calls from owners who, at the last April beginning, wanted to know our opinion on the evolution of the rental market, and…
More ventilation at home is basic to be healthier
| Advices for you
Domus Serveis in October establishes the link between energy efficiency and ventilation. Recently the biochemist from the University of…
We have new headquaters in Sant Cugat
| Feliu Brand
Now our headquarters in Sant Cugat are more luminous. We'll attend in 12, Pont de Can Vernet Street. You can contact us by phone or e-mail…
The controversial comunitarian terraces regime
| Real Estate
The March confinement highlighted the need for ventilation and the increase of life quality that the fact of having a terrace implies.…
11 FAQ's on gas inspection
| Advices for you
1. Tips to prevent poisonings at home From October to March we use heatings and ovens even more. These machines can intoxicate you with…
Dyogenes syndrom and animal accumulation syndrom
| Advices for you
This text can interest you whether you are a: landlord, a tenant or a Real Estate agent. Loneliness is bad: it is a beautiful challenge of…
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