28|06|2021 | Real Estate
- Are you an owner within a legally constituted Community of Owners? - Do you want to know your financial obligations linked with the fact…
21|06|2021 | Advices for you
At 5:32 a.m. this morning, summer had started! In this text we talk about a discipline to enjoy every day of something made with accuracy…
14|06|2021 | Real Estate
1. Introduction: the existence of common elements and the Horizontal Property regime preconditions for the creation of communities of…
07|06|2021 | Feliu Brand
As we will explain today, the new electricity tariff system, which was in force from June 1, 2021, implies changes to the bill. The…
31|05|2021 | Feliu Brand
We present to you our core values: we believe in future, we have confidence - we also work to deserve yours-, and we think in a positive…
24|05|2021 | Advices for you
Today we write the second part of our article: what has to be known before performing first aid.   In order to practice first aid (FA): be…
17|05|2021 | Advices for you
1. Why it is necessary to paint a real estate product? A first double answer is: to give a personal touch or to make it shine. Obviously,…
10|05|2021 | Advices for you
This text is the second part of the investment guide we published a week ago. To be used with the key vocabulary of the subject we deal…
03|05|2021 | Advices for you
Historical background The period 2008-2019 was disastrous: it began with the "Great Recession" and ended with the outbreak of a global…
26|04|2021 | Real Estate
Is it possible to delegate the vote to another owner if you cannot attend the meeting? This article written by María Baro of Brokalia…
19|04|2021 | Feliu Brand
We are very grateful to a reader and friend who works in Real Estate help us in our Sant Jordi traditional selection: 1. Noir novel: "The…
12|04|2021 | Feliu Brand
Next April 14th will mark one year since the end of the first month of confinement in Spain. That moment was the real turning point because…