2020-2021: When literature brightness ended with confinement darkness
We are very grateful to a reader and friend who works in Real Estate help us in our Sant Jordi traditional selection:
1. Noir novel: "The Enigma of Room 622" by Joël Dicker is a delightful suspense book that engages the most suspicious reader. The book received the Goncourt Prize.
2. Scientific book: "How to avoid a climate disaster" by Bill Gates. The first reaction to climate change is to wonder how to deal with it and to consider that, on an individual scale, the solution to the challenge is very difficult; the second is to deny the problem. Those two attitudes seem to be opposed, however, they are similar because they show that we think we are overwelmed. The book does not deny the extreme complexity of the challenge, but draws a plan that involves everyone. The author thus seeks the general awarness and he writes specially for a group: people willing to act who are only waiting for a rigorous plan to do so.
3. Non-fiction novel: "Say Nothing" by Patrick O'keefe: What causes violence? What keeps a conflict alive.... Northern Ireland troubles cross two of the most intimate cleveages in politics: that of national belonging with the religious one. On the one hand, "loyalists" of Protestant religion who want to remain British. On the other, Catholic "nationalists" who dream with a united island and of having an Irish passport in their pocket. This book is relevant now that, with Brexit, the province is near of the conflict by the activation of two borders at sea: the first between Northern Ireland and the rest of the United Kingdom, the second between Ireland, a European Union state, and the United Kingdom, a third state outside of the EU.
4. Allegorical novel: "Jo canto i la muntanya balla" by Irene Solà, in which human beings and nature in a dreamlike symbiosis take the floor to evoke all the beauty there is in the fact of living and in that of narrating. In short, we are talking about a novel that is charming and original. Forth Libros Anagrama Prize 2019.
5. Book on technology: "Antisocial: the extreme right and freedom of expression on the Internet" by Andrew Marantz. For me, a Community Manager, Social Media management is the usual job so, what the author writes is familiar. Even so, it is a necessary book. Marantz provides context and interviews with those who personally led fake news campaigns in the United States from accounts with millions of followers.
6. Romantic novel: "Dolça introducció al caos" by Marta Orriols how does one go from the happiness explosion caused by the birth of passion to the relationship cracking? It is a publication full of fiction and, at the same time, full of truth. After all, managing expectations and unforeseen events occupies a large part of our lives.
7. Romantic novel: "A corazon abierto" by Elvira Lindo the author turns her parents into literary characters, which always gives creative freedom. Lindo makes a journey where she intertwines the unfortunate history of her parents with the hardships of the Spain of the 40's and 50's of the 20th century.
8. Psychological Thriller: "The Dutch House" by Ann Pachett is a difficult book to classify because when an author puts so much care in building the characters they are richer and lend themselves to different readings... We can assure you that it is a wonderful read.
9. Social criticism novel: "Hamnet" by Maggie o'Farrell is a book that describes the inmense challenge that was, in the 16th century, to be a mother (in fact it still continues to be similar in too many situations) and, as human beings we took the maximum courage when it comes to face the misfortunes of life. This publication has been awarded the Women's prize for fiction 2020.
10. Biographical book: "The Benjamin's: a German family" by Uwe-Karsten Haye The genre of biography, perhaps because it is sometimes too complimentary of the protagonist, sometimes does not receive enough attention from society.
We wanted to end our Sant Jordi article with a deserved tribute to Amat Immobiliaris, a company that promotes numerous book presentations. Unfortunately, this year society have not been able to do so many face-to-face activities. As we are aware of this background, from Feliu we want to cheer-up Amat in its efforts to promote culture.
We believe that firms must to get involved in the welfare of our society. If that is done, in the currently hard times, the community will have more reasons to look to the future with confidence and positivity. In the same sense, Finques Feliu is proud to promote cycling.