To save: water, gas and electric light can be easy peasy!

01 | 03 | 19
| Advices for you

Oxford Dictionary definition to save is: 'to preserve something by not expending or using it'. We are about to give you recomendations on how to save supplies at home 

How can you save water at home?

  1. Tap off the tap in case you don't need it..
  2. Take a shower not a bath: you will save water by 25% compared with the bath..
  3. Put a shower head at a shower: you will save a 50%.
  4. Reach the precise temperature: between 30 -35 degrees you will be confortable. Each degree represents a 7% of extra uptake. 
  5. Check te tap in order to cut water looses: 100 litres can be loosed in a month.
  6. Put tap filter areator: you will cut with the extra uptake inmediately.
  7. Put a system to collect warm water : you are looking for efficiency.
  8. Test the pipeline insulation : efficiency is back as a key point.
  9. Choose mixer taps : in order to save energy a mixer taps combines cold and warm water. 
  10. Choose two-button or partial flush systems for toilet cistern: you will save at least a 50% of water compared with not having this systems..
  11. Regulate temperature: you'll reach at least a save 6% de energía.
  12. Reuse and recycle water . Collect rain if you are able.

¿How can you save electric light?

  1. Turn off the lights : cut with waste: yes, you can.
  2. Install temporizadores light timers: you can use it to establish a short time for lights inside your home, or to configure the lights on in the same time period.
  3. Choose led lights: you will save a 88% compared to halogenlamp.
  4. Install movement sensors:  as soon as you dessapear from a room the system tun off the light.
  5. Avoid the stand-by by disconect router,TV, printer ... at night.
  6. Disconnect household appliances:  your electric bill will be reduced by more than 10%.
  7. Buy a 'no frost fridge with 'A+' efficiency : the fridge consumes a 30% of the whole home electricity. 
  8.  Choose a properly location for fridge: it must be out of the sun lighting.
  9. Adjust hired power: in order to avoid electric performance problems.
  10. In Spain self-consumption is perfectly legal since last october: Real Decreto Ley 15-2018. To pass it in your owner's community you will need to reach a 1/3 of the owners in favour they must reprent 1/3 participation quotes.
  11. Control temperature always: you will save energy.
  12.  It's time to thermical home insulation: Efficiency and more efficiency.

¿How can you save gas?


  1.  Take advantatge from  temperature rising: when you are cooking or using the oven the temperature rise. Then turn down thermostat. 
  2. Maintain in good condition your boiler: In Spain you must do ongoing mantence every 5 years, you must change your boiler every 15 years.
  3. Ensure every room is properly ventilated: while you are ventilating your heater must be closed.
  4. Warm water at 45 degrees: it is enough .
  5. Let enter sun: it has energy.
  6. Dress well: you will preserve sane and you will save energy.
  7. “Climatize room by room: put thermostats en each one. You are not in a room mantain temperature 15 degrees, by closing doors ” If you are out of your home for some days turn off the heater.  
  8.  Put the radiators being smart: The proper zone is near the windows.
  9. Don't block radiators: if you put clothes on the radiator you are making unefficien its action
  10. Purge  radiators: you can preserve the correct heater performance. Bare in mind that the radiatorv can't be on and the radiator must be cold.
  11. Close windows and switch off the heater at night: energy is expensive and efficency a tresuare.
  12. Cover saucepans to save energy .

In our blog to serve you is the key point .